Lean Six Sigma Operations Course Curriculum
The Lean Six Sigma Operations program combines educational presentations, productive in-session assignments, and participant collaboration to provide actionable learning. Our training courses are structured to provide practical training and to enable participants to get the most out of their experience. Our format includes:
- Detailed pre-course questionnaires to allow you to tailor the program to address your individual concerns
- Blend of lecture, in-class projects, and participant discussion designed to create the most productive learning environment
- Small class size, allowing for greater interaction among participants and individual contact with the instructors
Participants in this course learn a broad spectrum of operations management strategies, from foundational methodologies to situational blueprints. In-depth analysis of real-world case studies yield an enlightening view of the successful operations of leading companies and provide valuable insights into approaches to creating a high-performance workplace. Executives also learn how to launch programs for revitalizing operations and create an environment centered on learning and knowledge sharing. The Program will provide you with an understanding of the operations planning process, help you create strategies that run parallel with the organization’s overall disposition, and give you the tools to build employee commitment to change and innovation.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of representative session topics:
- The Strategic Role of Operations
- Strategic operations framework
- Wriston Manufacturing case
- The Business Process Flows Framework
- Concepts and applications
- What is improvement? CRU rental case
- The Toyota Production System
- Diagnosing common problems
- Making improvements
- Toyota Motor Company case
- Analyzing Process Flows
- Basic operational measures
- National Cranberry Case
- Science of Lean and Six Sigma
- Improvement Strategies including lean, six sigma, kaizen, TQM
- Historical perspective
- Translating strategy into policy
- Basic Process Dynamics
- WIP, flow time, throughput relationships
- Little’s Law
- Internal benchmarking
- Variability Basics
- Variability measures
- Process and flow variability
- Downtime, setups, and other variability sources
- The Corrupting Influence of Variability
- Mechanics of congestion
- Batching effects
- Buffering with WIP, capacity, service
- Diagnostics
- Push and Pull Production
- The “magic” of pull
- Kanban, CONWIP, and other pull implementations
Click below to request a detailed brochure including a full sample timetable of the program.